Friday, November 16, 2007

Speech results

Well I got my grade back from last weeks (oil change) speech and I was surprised to get an A-. I couldn't believe it. This was despite being a bit short in length and failing to mention my sources. Otherwise I did pretty well. I've got some other items to work on too but it was a huge boost to my self confidence to do well on that one. Made my day.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Veteran's Day

I'm a veteran myself(peacetime U.S. Army) and I have relatives who served in Vietnam and now have cousins who served (maybe serving) in the current conflict. I can't help be touched by the stories of sacrifice veteran's have made. If you have a chance this weekend no matter how you feel about our current situation. Thank a Veteran. It's the least you can do and that's all many ask. What sparked me to write this was this story. I hope you read it. Thank You and God Bless America!


This week I did my presentation on an oil change in my public speaking course. I think I did Ok. I was glad to get it over with. I have such anxiety about public speaking that in consumes me days ahead of time. It's such a relief when it's over. Glad there is only one more to go for this semester.

My other class (Student Success) we discussed things from our text book. We covered stuff like the scripts we tend live by. It's that little voice in your head that tells you what to do, not to do,how to behave, your values and beliefs. Well I think you may get the picture.This course really does make you think about yourself and how to become more self aware. Like actors(or actresses) scripts tell them what to say or do in a performance. We do that in our everyday lives. The script has been written by your past experiences. It's quite deep if you really think about it. The course text(On Course by Skip Downing) follows closely with Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I'm still reading it and I still highly recommend it. Well that's all for now. Thanks for reading this boring blog. Come back again if you like.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

This weeks update

Oral Communications: This week we covered items from our textbook. Covered was presentation aids and such. We are in preparation for our demonstration speeches next week. My homework is continue to develop, practice it.
Student Success: We have the resume project that's an ongoing project due at the end of the month. Plus we got two short essays and a journal assignment due next week.