Thursday, September 27, 2007

Essay?.. Outline..?

For the record I'm taking two classes this semester. One is Oral Communications and the other is Student Success. Oral Communications is about public speaking. It was perhaps the one course I saw on my required classes that perhaps I feared the most. Last week we had our first practice speech that I feared like the plague. After going through I thought this wasn't too bad. I do feel like I'm learning a lot so far in the course so far. Student Success is an interesting course also taught by a soft spoken 74 year old gentlemen. The course is basically to ready yourself for college life. Setting goals, being responsible, time management etc... I'm actually finding it pretty interesting.
Toughest part of all this is doing basic stuff like doing an outline for my communications class. I haven't done an outline in perhaps over 15 years so it's been a learning experience all over again. Also for the Student Success I'm suppose to do a short 3-5 paragraph essay. I can't remember the last time I've done an essay probably around last time of my last outline.

Well I've got to get back to my studies, see you later.

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